Useful Resources

Useful NMR Resources

The NMR Facility staff has compiled a list of very useful NMR-related resources to aid the user in proper data collection, analysis and understanding. 

| UC Davis Guides | Bruker | Varian | NMR Education | Practical NMR Help | NMR Software | Suggested Reading | Youtube Videos |

If you are aware of other useful NMR resources and would like them to be shared, please contact the UCD NMR Facility staff and we will gladly add them to our site!

UC Davis Quick Start/User's Guides

Varian/Agilent Spectrometers

Bruker Spectrometers

Bruker / Topspin User's Guides

Varian / VnmrJ User's Guides

Educational Magnetic Resonance Resources

Practical NMR Resources

NMR-Related Software

Suggested Reading: Magnetic Resonance Journals and Textbooks

Videos on NMR